Facial Rejuvenation

Why You Should “Warm Up” Your Wrinkles with Pellevé This Winter

Warm Up

Warm UpWanna get rid of those pesky wrinkles? Turns out, all you have to do is warm them up with some radiofrequency waves. Seriously, Pellevé wrinkle reduction is one of the hottest cosmetic treatment for wrinkles right now, and surely there’s a provider near you.

Before making your appointment, read up on the benefits of going the Pellevé route to see if it might be just what you’re looking for.

1. Age-Defying Radiofrequency Technology

Okay, it sounds a bit dramatic, but that’s because it pretty much is. Pellevé is a cutting-edge hand-held device that emits radiofrequency waves to gently heat the deeper layers of your skin without damaging the surface. This heat stimulates collagen, which gives your skin a youthful boost and combats wrinkles.

2. It’s Actually Comfortable

Some people say that Pellevé treatments feel like getting a relaxing hot stone massage. And on top of THAT, you get the benefits of parting ways with your wrinkles. What could be better?

That said, you might see some mild redness immediately after your appointment, but we think that’s a small price to pay for such an amazing skin rejuvenation treatment.

Your cozy Pellevé treatment should last between 30 minutes to an hour.

3. You Won’t Be Down for the Count

Pellevé wrinkle reduction is non-invasive, so don’t worry about downtime afterwards. Plus, you should be able to see some results shortly after your first treatment, although most people spring for a few sessions to really cash out on their results.


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Why You Should “Warm Up” Your Wrinkles with Pellevé This Winter
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