
Could Liposuction Help You Love Your Body Too?

Women in bikini lying on a multicolor boardwalk.

Women in bikini lying on a multicolor boardwalk.If Sam Smith – a talented singer who gets up on stage every night and belts his heart out to thousands – feels better about his body after having liposuction, maybe, just maybe, lipo could help you love your body too.

You don’t have to get naked on the ‘Gram like Sam (although you do you), but body acceptance can be a tough road. It’s ultimately about loving who you are as a person, no matter how you look or feel – see Sam’s bloated disclosure on Page Six. If lipo can help get you there, why not consider it?

Love It with Liposuction

Maybe you’re down to your last few pounds. Or you hit your goal weight and something about your body still doesn’t feel quite right. Enter: lipo. It’s not a cop out, it’s not a weight loss solution and it’s not a pure vanity thing. It can be a simple, effective way to help you feel like you by contouring your body to look its best.

Or Maybe VelaShape® Is More Your Jam

But hey. Lipo’s not for everyone. Maybe a non-invasive body contouring procedure, like VelaShape® is more your speed. VelaShape can help you find your flawless figure with a combination of infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy and a vacuum. This is designed heats up fat cells and stimulate collagen and elastin production. This can mean a more toned figure, closer to the you you love.


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Could Liposuction Help You Love Your Body Too?
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Could Liposuction Help You Love Your Body Too?
Why get liposuction? To feel confident enough about your body to love yourself and maybe even strut your stuff on Instagram like Sam Smith.
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