Nose Job

Would You Get a Nose Job to Match Your Family?

Smiling woman holding her blown hair out of her face.

Smiling woman holding her blown hair out of her face.Not everyone wants a nose job to look more like their fave celeb or Instagram star. Some people—like 28-year-old biomedical engineer Elizabeth Lewis — just want to look more like their family members.

Read up on this young woman’s sweet story and see how the benefits of rhinoplasty far outreach getting Angelina Jolie’s honker.

Odd (Wo)Man Out

Elizabeth Lewis told the folks over at Refinery 29 that she’d always been embarrassed of her nose. For some reason, it didn’t resemble any other nose in her family, although it did speak of her Lebanese heritage.

“Growing up, I used to contour my nose like crazy,” Elizabeth says. But you reach a point in your adult life where slathering makeup on your face to make drastic changes to your facial structure are tiring and not exactly effective. So she decided to start searching for the perfect plastic surgeon.

As luck would have it, Elizabeth was able to find a Lebanese plastic surgeon who understood the delicate balance between wanting to change something about her appearance without throwing her heritage out the window. The result? A gorgeous nose that finally looked like just her sister’s.

When Rhinoplasty’s Right

We think it’s totally sweet this woman would rather look like her sister than a Hollywood star.

So what’s the moral of the story here? While you really shouldn’t get a nose job just to look like someone else — cue the long list of famous celebrity noses — rhinoplasty can be totally beneficial if you’re in a situation like Elizabeth’s. Sure, she could have lived with her oddball nose, but it was making her unhappy and perhaps even chipping away at her quality of life.

If you find yourself feeling like this, there’s no harm in talking to a great plastic surgeon about a new nose.


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Would You Get a Nose Job to Match Your Family?
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Would You Get a Nose Job to Match Your Family?
Is one of the benefits of rhinoplasty to make you look more like your family members? Apparently, it could be. RaveBabe shares one woman’s sweet nose job story.
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