Mommy Makeover

How Soon Can You Make Whoopee after a Mommy Makeover?

after mommy makeover

after mommy makeoverBreast augmentation? Check.

Tummy tuck? Check.

Liposuction? Check.

If you’ve had a mommy makeover, you know that you owe it to yourself to do your recovery right. Your body has a lot of important healing to do, and you’re doing it. You’re carefully following your board-certified cosmetic surgeon’s instructions. You’re resting and taking it easy. You’ve enlisted help with the children and the chores. But there’s more to life than simply going through the motions. Just how soon can you resume sex after your mommy makeover?

Let Your Body Be Your Guide

Many women feel comfortable returning to sex approximately 3-4 weeks following a mommy makeover. Consider this timeframe to be a helpful suggestion rather than a hard and fast rule for you. Ultimately, your body should be your guide. If you begin to have sex but experience discomfort or pain, that’s your cue that it’s still too soon.

Focus on easing gently into sex after a mommy makeover.

Treat Your Breasts with TLC

Because a mommy makeover is a comprehensive set of procedures, no two recoveries are quite the same. Each woman’s recovery will be dependent on which surgeries she’s had as well as her own body’s needs. Many women include breast augmentation and/or breast lift in their mommy makeover. For women who’ve had a breast enhancement procedure, any romantic moments should avoid pressure on the breasts until about 8 weeks after a mommy makeover.

Consult with Your Cosmetic Surgeon

Your cosmetic surgeon knows better than anyone else what kind of recovery you’ll require, and can give you a timeline to help you plan for your first romantic rendezvous after a mommy makeover.


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