Tummy Tucks

An Avelar Tummy Tuck Totally Fixes Your Ab Muscles, Right?!

cool looking woman

cool looking womanYou might have heard that a tummy tuck will do the trick if you’re in need of an ab muscle repair due to pregnancy or weight gain. But if you’ve been set on getting an Avelar tummy tuck thanks to its many benefits, you might want to rethink your plan. Here’s why.

What an Avelar Tummy Tuck Can and Can’t Do

There are lots of great things about the Avelar tummy tuck. In essence, this technique can have you in and out the door in less time than a full abdominoplasty, plus no drains. Your plastic surgeon will also be able to easily incorporate liposuction into your procedure, which can help with those pesky pockets of fat that seem to have overstayed their welcome.

On the downside, though, an Avelar tummy tuck isn’t going to be your best choice if your abdominal muscles have separated and need repaired as part of your tummy tuck.

When Does an Avelar Tummy Tuck Make Sense?

Thinking of going Avelar? Ask your cosmetic surgeon—they’ll be your best resource.

If muscle repair isn’t on your wish list but getting rid of loose skin and stubborn belly fat or love handles is, an Avelartummy tuck might make sense for you. As an added bonus, your recovery period might even be a bit shorter and less complicated than after a full tummy tuck.

As for what your Avelar tummy tuck scar might look like, this will depend on the same factors as with a traditional full tummy tuck, including how much excess skin your dealing with and your skin type.


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