Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Would You Be Cool with Snapchatting Your Boob Job?

Boob Job

Boob JobThanks to social media, we now live in a world where absolutely nothing is sacred, privacy is nonexistent and oversharing is a way of life. Maybe you’ve posted your fair share dinner entrée pics, drunken snapchats or duck-face selfies, but exactly how far would you go to continue your quest to overshare with the masses?

Surgery and Social Media

One of the newest and fastest-growing trends in social media is plastic surgery, and doctors all over the country are finding that followers seem to love watching the human body go through surgical transformations. Dr. Michael Salzhauer (known to his snapchat 800,000 followers as “Dr. Miami”) is famous for streaming procedures such as breast augmentations live on Snapchat.

So, What’s the Draw?

Earlier this year, 30,000 people watched as one plastic surgeon live-streamed a plastic surgery procedure on Facebook. What is it about these procedures that causes people to take time out of their days and watch? Pardon us while we go all dime-store-psychologist on you and tell you that many people are simply fascinated by watching transformations, whether it’s a bathroom remodel or boob job. Others are drawn by curiosity of the unknown or the desire to be shocked, and some feel the videos demystify the procedures and help them decide it’s the right time to move forward with a cosmetic procedure.

Are You Down?

Now, don’t freak out. Plastic surgeons have to get patient consent to broadcast or film a surgery, so your implants won’t be a Snapchat phenom without your knowledge. But your upcoming breast augmentation could take your status as an oversharing guru to a whole new level.

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