
Why You Shouldn’t be a Slacker & Put Off Getting Ready for Lipo

Person lying in bed face down under a white blanket with their feet sticking out.

Person lying in bed face down under a white blanket with their feet sticking out.You found the oh-so-perfect doctor, booked your lipo appointment and now…you wait? Not so fast. There’s lots you can do starting right now to prepare for abdominal liposuction so you can get the absolute most out of it. Here’s where to start.

Do Your Homework

Knowing what to expect is half the battle. Do a little research well before the big day so you know how much time to request off work, how much extra help you might need with kids and/or furbabies and when you’ll start seeing results. If you still have questions — and you probably will — jot them down and bring them to your pre-op appointment with your plastic surgeon.

Don’t turn into a couch potato just because you have a lipo appointment coming up.

Make That Gym Time Count

The closer you get to your fitness goals before lipo, the better your results can be. So keep pumping that iron, squeezing in that morning run or whatever it is that makes your heart sing. Because the more you do now, the more body contouring can do for you later.

A Little Prep Makes for Smooth Sailing Later

Check off some chores from your list before your liposuction appointment, so you don’t have to worry about any of that boring stuff when you get home. Do a laundry marathon, get rid of dust bunnies, get grocery shopping done early — heck, you could even cook a big batch of your favorite soup and store it in the freezer for later. Anything that’ll help take worries off your plate after lipo.


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Why You Shouldn’t be a Slacker & Put Off Getting Ready for Lipo
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Why You Shouldn’t be a Slacker & Put Off Getting Ready for Lipo
Think preparing for abdominal liposuction is optional? Think again! RaveBabe explains why a little prep work can go a long way when it comes to plastic surgery.
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