Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

What to Do If Your Neck Is Looking about 100 Years Old

RaveBabe - Chang - 2021

RaveBabe - Chang - 2021Thanksgiving may be over, but you may still have some turkey around. Turkey neck, that is.

Yes, ladies; you know its true. But hey, it happens even to the best of us. Your face may be maintaining the lie that you are in your early twenties, but your neck is more than happy to tell the truth.

If you aren’t interested in a little gobble-gobble wobble every time you move your jaw, now is the time to do something about it. You know, before your face is 30 and your neck is 100.

Ok, How Do You Fix an Aging Neck?

If you’ve noticed your neck isn’t looking so great, chances are you’ve already tried a few tricks for your aging neck. There was that weird exercise you read about, but it just made you feel like you pulled a muscle. Then there were the three different skin firming creams; your neck felt nice and soft, but still, it told your age like the rings in a tree trunk.

You may have even tried neck lift tape or a facelift bungee, and if you did, I’m sorry you had to endure that. Listen, if you are serious about preventing your neck from turning into crepe paper, you need to go for treatments that actually work. So, what options are available to you? More than you might realize.

Fat Hammock?

Never heard of a fat hammock? Ladies, it’s the extra fat swinging around under your chin. Lucky for you, there are multiple ways to remove it. You can opt for liposuction to suck that fat right on out of there. There is also Kybella, a treatment specifically for the double chin. You can even get CoolSculpting®, a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.

Loose or Ropey Skin?

This is pretty much the defining feature of the turkey neck — the skin laxity and neck bands that make you look decades older than you feel. The best option for resolving this issue will always be an actual neck lift, which you can easily pair with a facelift for a true transformation. But if you aren’t up for surgery, there are other options. BOTOX® can help, as can fillers, depending on how significant the signs of aging are. There are also skin-firming treatments like Ultherapy® and Thermage® that might roll back the hands of time.

Texture Troubles?

Crinkly caruncle skin can develop even when your skin isn’t particularly loose. If this is the case, you need to treat texture rather than laxity. For this, you might be able to work with a plastic surgeon that offers skin services, or you might need to head to a dermatologist. Some treatments that can help with skin texture concerns include prescription retinoids, laser skin resurfacing and chemical peels.

Ultimately, if you are dealing with a turkey neck, you don’t need to just accept it. There is a lot you can do to fight signs of aging in your neck and elsewhere. The key is to work with the right doctor or team to determine which treatments and procedures will best deliver the results you seek.

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What to Do If Your Neck Is Looking about 100 Years Old
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What to Do If Your Neck Is Looking about 100 Years Old
Your face is young, but your neck reveals your age. Plastic surgery personality RaveBabe goes over options to treat an aging neck and reclaim your youth.
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