
So Not Kidding, Lipo Could Help with That 6-Pack Ab Dream

Woman standing on street corner looking down at her abs.

Woman standing on street corner looking down at her abs.Ever wished there were a way to snap your fingers and instantly have hard-as-a-rock six-pack abs? Ok, the snapping your fingers part might be a bit of an exaggeration. But for real, new lipo techniques could help you get a six-pack if your workouts have been falling short. There are just a few things you should know first.

  1. Not All Lipo Is Created Equal

    Year after year, liposuction is one of the most common body contouring procedures across the country. But lipo techniques keep getting more and more advanced, so you know have lots of different options to choose from.

    If you’re looking to whip your abs into shape, you might want to give VASER Hi Def® liposuction a try. This procedure combines traditional tumescent lipo with tissue-selective ultrasound energy to remove fat around your muscles, resulting in a super sexy chiseled look.

    In about 3 to 4 months after VASER lipo, you could be chilling on the beach with a six-pack. And we don’t mean your fave beer.

  2. You Can’t Be a Couch Potato

    The thing about any type of liposuction, though, is that it’s not magic. So you’re still going to have to put some sweat equity in if you want a true six-pack. But the reason why a six-pack is so hard to obtain is because you not only have to work out your muscles, but you also have to get rid of the pesky layer of fat that sits on top of them. That’s where Hi Def lipo comes in.

  3. Results Are Virtually Permanent

    You might be wondering if your lipo results will ever go away? The answer is no, you can keep your stunning six-pack look as long as you stick to your same healthy eating and exercise habits long-term.

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So Not Kidding, Lipo Could Help with That 6-Pack Ab Dream
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So Not Kidding, Lipo Could Help with That 6-Pack Ab Dream
Can lipo really give you sick-pack abs?! Plastic surgery personality RaveBabe explains how advanced liposuction techniques can help you get a bangin beach bod.
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