Vajayjay Treatments

OMG, What If You Totally Hate Your Labiaplasty Results?

woman covering her groin area with her hands on white background.

woman covering her groin area with her hands on white background.It’s every woman’s worst nightmare. You take the plunge and decide to change your life with labiaplasty, only to absolutely hate the results. You should feel great about yourself — down there and everywhere. If you’re really unhappy with the new look or feel of your labia, you don’t have to suffer in silence. You may be a candidate for labiaplasty revision.

You Shouldn’t Hate Your Labia

Maybe your original labiaplasty surgeon didn’t understand what you were going for. Maybe they did and just didn’t achieve it. Regardless, if you’re unhappy with the results of your labiaplasty, don’t stay quiet! Make sure you’ve fully healed from your initial surgery and that you follow all of your surgeon’s orders for recovery.

If after that time you still don’t want to set up a system of mirrors to bask in your own labial glory, it’s time to find a solution.

Consider Labiaplasty Revision

Labiaplasty revision could be the solution to hating your labiaplasty results. Schedule a consultation with a qualified surgeon — maybe not the one you used the first time around — and see whether or not you would be a good candidate for a revision.

No matter what, you deserve to feel good about your lady parts. Maybe not so good that you want to show them off, but at least good enough that you think about it. Labiaplasty revision could help you feel just that good.


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OMG, What If You Totally Hate Your Labiaplasty Results?
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OMG, What If You Totally Hate Your Labiaplasty Results?
If you're unhappy with your labiaplasty results, don't stay quiet! RaveBabe gives you the scoop on why labiaplasty revision may right for you.
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