Eyelid SurgeryInjectable Fillers

Is This the End of Angry Resting Face?

Angry Resting Face

Angry Resting FaceIf you or someone you know suffers from angry resting face, relief is in sight. Angry resting face, sometimes known by a more *ahem* rude name, describes how the features of a relaxed face can make someone look angry or annoyed. Although those afflicted with angry resting face are often anything but irate, their scowling countenance gives off the wrong impression and can rub people the wrong way.

A variety of factors contribute to angry resting face. Forehead frown lines, droopy eyelids and wrinkles around the eyes, nose or mouth or can all leave the face looking hard or haggard. Fortunately, several cosmetic procedures can offer subtle adjustments to facial features to create a warm, more approachable appearance.

Clear Eyes Can’t Lose

If the eyes truly are the windows to the soul, then people with angry resting face are in desperate need of a window treatment. Loose skin around the upper eyelid can distort the eyes’ natural contours, excess fat can cause puffy eyelids and bags can gather below the eyes, which all result in a tired or harsh look. Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can treat each of these problems to improve and rejuvenate the entire eye region. The procedure can be done on the lower or upper eyelids, or on both.

Med Spa Treatments to Refresh the Face

Combining a blepharoplasty with med spa treatments can transform an angry resting face to a more likeable, engaging one. BOTOX® temporarily halts the upper facial muscles that cause brow creases and wrinkles. The injectable treatment reduces the creation of new wrinkles and softens expression lines. Dermal fillers can minimize nasolabial and marionette lines and wrinkles that form around the mouth’s corners and can restore lost facial volume for a more rested, pleasant look.

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