Tummy Tucks

Does a Mini Tummy Tuck Deliver “Mini” Results?

woman in Blue

woman in BlueWhen it comes to body contouring, you may have heard that a mini tummy tuck only delivers “mini” results, and a full abdominoplasty is the better option instead. This isn’t exactly true. Here’s a better explanation about how a mini tummy tuck can help (in the right patients), and how to know if this could be an option for you.

Mini vs. Full: What’s the Difference?

mini tummy tuck can be ideal for eliminating excess skin and fat between the belly button and the pubic bone, but won’t improve the appearance of the upper abdomen. Mini tummy tucks typically use a smaller incision than traditional abdominoplasty, and rarely require repositioning of your belly button. In the right candidate, a mini tummy tuck can create very nice results that, while they aren’t inferior in any way to a full tummy tuck, do address slightly different concerns.

How Your Surgeon Helps

Talking with your plastic surgeon is the best way to determine whether you’re a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck. Generally speaking, the patients who are likely to be most satisfied with a mini tummy tuck are relatively fit and healthy overall. If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight, you may have a great deal of excess skin which could be better addressed with a full tummy tuck. Mini tummy tuck candidates should also have a relatively smooth upper abdomen, with laxity or extra skin limited to below the belly button only.

No matter which type of tummy tuck you decide to have, you can expect to get great results if you’re a good candidate for the procedure and you choose a highly skilled and experienced board certified plastic surgeon.

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