Boobie Reduction

Could Breast Reduction Be the Jumpstart Your Health Journey Needs?

Female runner running during sunset.

Female runner running during sunset.For some, the beginning of a health journey is a swift kick in the butt from a health professional. For others, it’s Oprah. No judgment. But could a breast reduction be the jump start to your health journey? Yep, a breast reduction to improve health is totally a thing and here’s why.

Take a Run – Finally

For women with big boobs, a jog around the block can seem like a monumental task capable of putting an eye out. If you’re uncomfortable exercising, it’s no surprise that you don’t exercise as much as you would otherwise. And as we all know, exercise is important. Blame the boobs and stay on the couch or consider a reduction and get moving.

Stop the Damage

People don’t always get it. Big boobs are heavy! They hurt! Not just your boobs, either, but your back and your neck and all sorts of other places Khia might not sing about. Having a reduction can literally ease the pain of heavy boobs and help prevent further damage to your body.

Feel Like Yourself

This one might be the least tangible, but it’s certainly still important. For many women, heavy, large breasts just don’t feel like part of who they are. And if you’re not feelin’ yourself, you might not be as good to yourself as you could be. A reduction can make a huge impact emotionally as well, and that’s definitely not to be discredited.

It’s not all about aesthetics. Sometimes a breast reduction to improve health is just what you need to jumpstart (or keep moving along) your personal fitness journey.


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Could Breast Reduction Be the Jumpstart Your Health Journey Needs?
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Could Breast Reduction Be the Jumpstart Your Health Journey Needs?
RaveBabe gives you the lowdown on breast reduction to improve health and whether or not it can help kickstart your personal fitness journey.
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