Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Choosing Dr. Right: How to Avoid White Coat Confusion

finding special surgeon

finding special surgeon We firmly believe there’s no harm in trying to look and feel your best, and if you feel that cosmetic surgery is just the ticket to help you along, then more power to you. On to the next step: finding your special surgeon.

Board Certified in What Now?

Sure, your prospective Dr. Right has those fancy diplomas on the wall and a spotless white coat (except for the mustard stain from lunch). Maybe he or she even mumbled something about being “board certified” two or five times, but what exactly does that mean anyway? Heck, you could probably find a board certified hotdog vendor if you looked hard enough.

You might wonder who exactly certifies a hotdog vendor, and you’d be right to question such a claim. You’re equally right in posing the same question to your surgeon.

The Lowdown on Certifications

When it comes to certifications, not all boards are created equal. The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) recognizes plastic surgery as an official specialization, but cosmetic surgery—well, not so much.

In response, the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS) sprung up to lend more credence to the idea of consistent and regulated cosmetic surgery training. Which is a great idea, but isn’t the same thing as ABMS board certification. In other words, just because a doctor is “board certified” in something, doesn’t mean he or she is board certified in the specialty that you need.

Eeny, Meeny, Miny…

To find the best plastic surgeon for your nip/tuck, double check those qualifications to make sure your top choice has plenty of practice and experience performing the procedures that you want. And, uh, checking for mustard stains wouldn’t hurt either.

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