
Can You Just Buy a Lipo Belt, Waist Buster Thing & Be Good?

Woman wearing orange leggings and white tank top doing situps.

Woman wearing orange leggings and white tank top doing situps.Getting skinny is hard, y’all — no matter how you do it. Exercising means sweating it out, surgery means a recovery period and even non-procedures usually require multiple appointments.

Which is why you have likely been tempted by products you have seen advertised on the ‘Gram. Lipo belts, waist busters and other gadgets promise surgery-level results without ever needing to leave your home.

But can you do liposuction at home with just some belts or kits?

Stop for Just a Minute and Re-read that Question

No, seriously, go back and think that one over: Can you do liposuction at home? That just might be one of the scariest questions ever asked. Let’s just settle this one now — no matter if these gadgets and systems work or not, lipo isn’t an at-home procedure. So, whatever it is these things do, lipo it is not.

Okay, but Can They Body Sculpt?

Now that is a much more reasonable question.

And the answer will depend on what option you are looking into. A lipo belt? Yeah, that isn’t going to do much of anything. You know those vintage videos of 50s housewives using a shaking belt machine to shake away their fat? These is our generation’s version of that.

But what about things like waist buster systems?

Gadgets and systems can sound like great short cuts, but when they deliver results, it is really due to hard work.

Something to keep in mind about these is that they are not just gadgets or quick-fixes, but entire systems. They use supplements, gels, little balls with spikes on them and devices that claim to heat your fat away. And it doesn’t stop there. No, there is also a diet and exercise regime you follow as part of the system.

And when they show off client results, where do you think those results are coming from: heat belts and spiky balls or the diet and exercise?

Yeah, if you follow the system, you might see results, but you will also be paying thousands of dollars to get what you could have if you just changed your eating habits and joined a gym.

Lipo and Sculpting Is Where it’s At

If your stubborn fat hasn’t responded to diet and exercise in the past, these “miracle” systems aren’t going to make a difference. The only thing that will is surgery or non-surgical professional sculpting. An reminder — you cannot do liposuction at home. With these methods, the fat that just won’t go away can be removed effectively and safely.

And there are so many options. Laser fat removal lets you bust the bulge on your lunch break. VASER Lipo can target areas other techniques cannot. After all, a lipo belt isn’t going to do anything for arm fat.

So if your goal is to be Instagram fabulous, start by not buying the products your favorite influencers are pushing — at least when it comes to weight loss. Instead, schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon, learn about your options and then start prepping for your liposuction or body sculpting treatment. Sorry folks, there just aren’t any shortcuts here.


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Can You Just Buy a Lipo Belt, Waist Buster Thing & Be Good?
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Can You Just Buy a Lipo Belt, Waist Buster Thing & Be Good?
Can you do liposuction at home may seem like a crazy question, but companies are claiming you can. RaveBabe says stick to plastic and cosmetic procedures.
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