Breast Lift

4 Ways Your Breasts Benefit from Combining Procedures

Woman in black bra

Woman in black braWhile many women seeking breast augmentation primarily want to add volume to their breasts, it’s very common for women also to want to improve their breast shape and placement as well. Incorporating breast implants with a breast lift can resolve both issues at the same time. Here are a few reasons why combining procedures might make sense for you.

  1. Fewer Surgeries

    It’s always a good thing to minimize the need for additional surgical procedures. By combining breast implants with a breast lift, you reduce the risk of complications overall. This also means just one consultation, one surgical appointment and a single recovery period for less overall time out of your busy schedule.

  2. A More Youthful Look

    If you are dissatisfied with the look of your breasts because of sagging (ptosis), a combined approach might be just the answer you need. By lifting and reshaping the breasts with a combined implant and lift procedure, your surgeon can restore that youthful perkiness to your breasts while still adding volume.

  3. Reduced Scarring

    When performing a breast lift with implants, surgeons often use the same incisions to perform both procedures. This minimizes scarring and preserves the natural beauty of your breasts following surgery. Fat transfer breast augmentation can also be incorporated for smoother contours and very natural results without the need for further incisions or scars.

  4. Streamlined Recovery

    Any surgical procedure requires some time for your body to fully heal. When you combine surgeries, you decrease the total recovery downtime and ensure that you can get back to the things you enjoy more quickly. For this reason, many women elect to have more than one procedure simultaneously, while enjoying the benefits of beautiful results at the same time.

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