Mommy Makeover

3 Kinda Odd Questions You Kinda Want to Ask about Mommy Makeovers

Woman thinking on blue isolated background

Woman thinking on blue isolated backgroundThinking about diving right into a mommy makeover — aka a combination of plastic surgeries wrapped into one? Before you do, you might wanna take a look at the answers to these weird, but important, mommy makeover questions.

  1. When Can I Swim or Go in a Hot Tub after My Mommy Makeover?

    It might sound silly or frivolous at first, but when you start thinking about your day-to-day life after your mommy makeover, knowing when you can dunk your body into a body of water is kind of important.

    The main concern here is the possibility of infection, plus the fact that you don’t want to strain your muscles too early on in recovery. Ask your plastic surgeon for his or her guidelines, of course, but the general rule of thumb is 4 to 6 weeks before swimming and bathing.

  2. Can I Get on a Plane after My Mommy Makeover?

    Medical tourism is the fancy schmancy term used to describe traveling to a different country for surgery. And it comes with big, bad risks that just aren’t worth it.

    Hold your horses, girl. Hopefully you’re not asking this because you’re planning on traveling somewhere far, far away for your procedure. Because that’s a big no-no.

    If you’re asking so you can plan your summer vacation accordingly, that’s a different story. Usually, you’ll want to wait 4 to 6 weeks for this one too, but check in with your plastic surgeon to be sure.

  3. Really Doc, How Many Procedures Can Fit into One MM?

    This one’s a toughie, because there’s not a hard-and-fast rule for how many procedures you can include in your mommy makeover. It’ll depend on which ones you’re thinking about and your overall health. There is a limit to how long a single surgery can be.

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3 Kinda Odd Questions You Kinda Want to Ask about Mommy Makeovers
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3 Kinda Odd Questions You Kinda Want to Ask about Mommy Makeovers
Have some weird mommy makeover questions? No sweat! Plastic surgery personality RaveBabe has the answers to your burning questions, no matter how out-there.
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